Vaccine information, self isolation pack and more…

Vaccine information from the CCG

In Sheffield, over 60,000 people have been vaccinated with their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Residents and staff in all 83 care homes for elderly people have been vaccinated with their first dose.

There are 15 primary care vaccinations sites in Sheffield and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals have opened Sheffield Arena as a vaccination centre (open 7 days a week). The NHS are inviting people aged over 75 to book an appointment. Do not arrive at any vaccination centre unless you have an appointment as no one will be vaccinated without an appointment.  Anyone who has had their first dose will be contacted by the within 12 weeks to have their second dose.

Both vaccines offer protection from the effects of COVID-19 after just one dose. It’s estimated the Pfizer vaccine offers 89% effectiveness two weeks after it is given, and the Oxford/AstraZeneca offers 74% effectiveness after two weeks.(Full protection kicks in around a week or two after the second dose).  It’s important that those who have received a vaccine still follow social distancing and other guidance.

The Pfizer vaccine does not contain any alcohol. The Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine contains 0.002mgs of alcohol – smaller amount than in a banana or slice of bread. 

As with all medicines, there can be side effects to the vaccines. However, most are mild and short term – for example a sore arm, feeling tired or headaches. Millions of people in the UK have had the vaccines and serious side effects have been rare (and  in people with a history of anaphylaxis). People who have a history of anaphylaxis should not be vaccinated.

Vaccine information from trusted sources here: 

Self isolation guide resource

We’ve added our Self Isolation pack and guide to the Self Isolation section of in case you would like to share / print them.

There is lots of help available, including financial support, to help you self-isolate.  Visit for more information.

Greg Fell update

Watch Greg Fell, Sheffield’s Director of Public Health, give his latest situation report from 2 February here on You Tube or click the image below.  You can watch all of his updates including Facts about the Covid-19 Vaccines on Greg’s YouTube playlist.

Most Covid test results returned within 24 hours

Almost all Covid test results in Sheffield are currently being returned within 24 hours. There is also plenty of capacity at all 6 of our testing centres, so people are not having to wait long for a test. It’s really important that people continue to get tested if they have any of the symptoms of Coronavirus (however mild they are) as, the sooner someone knows if they have it, the sooner they can self-isolate and stop themselves passing it on to someone else. Find out about testing here

Covid-19 vaccine resources

Director of Public Health Greg Fell has done a range of ‘Facts about the Covid-19 Vaccine’ videos to answer some of the queries that have been raised.  They are available on our vaccine playlist on YouTube  or click below – we’ll update this as more become available. Please share these within your communities.

We’ve added some ‘Be alert to vaccine fraud’ posters to the Vaccinations section of for you to print and share.

Find out more about vaccinations at:

Request for your stories

As we approach 10 months of our lives being turned upside down by this pandemic, we want to hear how people in Sheffield have been affected. Some stories may be sad, they may be brave, they may be hard to share, or they may be really inspiring. If you, or anyone you know are willing to share your Covid story on film or in writing, please contact us at

Community resources 

We update regularly. Everything here is free to use and materials are available in a variety of languages and formats including images to download and print and social media images to upload. Please share these materials in your communities to help keep people in Sheffield safe.

If there is a format or information you can’t find, please email us at and we’ll try to help.

You can access the resources here:

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