Free creative dance project for over 50’s in Sheffield

50+ Contemporary Dance Sheffield presents Third Bite Dance.

Third Bite Dance is an exciting new online dance film project which celebrates the voices and identities of people aged 50+ in Sheffield. The project will create a new dance film to be premiered online in summer 2021.

If you’re aged 50+ and live in Sheffield, we want to hear from you! 

You can get involved with Third Bite Dance by answering the following questions:

If your body could talk when it dances, what would it say?

If you were a dance, what would it be and why?

If your dance could take you anywhere where would you go?

The answers you share can be long or short, anonymous or not and will shape the creative ideas in the dance film.

Interested in performing?

We are running 4 fun and friendly online taster workshops for the project on Tuesday afternoons in February:

 2nd / 9th / 16th / 23rd February 2021 | 2pm – 4pm on Zoom
(FREE to attend & no dance experience necessary)

Try one (or all) of our taster workshops to see if the project is for you. If you enjoy the workshops, we invite you to join free online creative movement sessions on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in March to create and perform in the Third Bite Dance film.

For more information and to sign up or send your answers go to: / Email:

We’d love to hear from you!

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